Monday, September 25, 2017

Government Decides To Keep Daylight Saving Time, Which Begins On The 15th

Issue was discussed over the weekend with President Temer

Afternoon at Arpoador, Rio de Janeiro - Daniela Dacorso: Daniela Hallack Dacorso / Agência O Globo
BRASÍLIA - The Ministry of Mines and Energy reported on Monday that it will keep summer time this year. The news had been anticipated by GLOBO columnist Lauro Jardim, in his blog . Daylight saving time starts on October 15 and runs until February 2018. The subject was discussed yesterday in a meeting with President Michel Temer at the Jaburu Palace.

DST was under study at the Civil House, which set up a working group to assess the effectiveness of the measure, as O GLOBO revealed . The subject came to be discussed after a study by the National Electric System Operator (ONS) and the Ministry of Mines and Energy concluded that this public policy has effects "close to neutrality" in relation to the electric energy economy.

Daylight saving time was created in order to save electricity during the period in which it is in effect. Studies conducted by ONS have shown that this goal is no longer achieved. It was from there that the subject began to be analyzed by other government entities.

The program was first established in Brazil in the summer of 1931/1932 and has been adopted continuously since 1985. According to government data, the economy with the last edition of the timetable (between October 2016 and February) was R $ 159, 5 million. This value, considered low by the electric sector, is due to the reduction of the use of thermal plants to complement the demand for energy.

With summer time, residents of the South, Southeast and Midwest should advance the clock in one hour from October 15 until February 2018. (

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